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Skywalking Through Endings: A Stellar Tale of Parallels in Star Wars Trilogy’s Finale

Written By: Lauren Van Doorn

anakin & padme

FYI: Most of this is 100% absolutely an opinion (other than the canon story and lore), but if you think otherwise, good for you :). This is also not a review of the quality of the film, but more of the story that was written for these characters and the overall concept they were going for. There are also theories, which means some of the ideas in here are not meant to be taken FACTUALLY.


The Star Wars trilogy has been a cultural phenomenon, captivating audiences worldwide with its epic storytelling and iconic characters. While opinions on the trilogy's ending may vary, I personally found it to be a satisfying conclusion. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing parallels between the characters of Kylo and Rey, and Anakin and Padme, shedding light on why their narratives resonated with me and added depth to the overall story.

star wars

Exploring the Journey of Anakin and Padme

anakin & padme

To fully grasp the significance of the ending, we must examine the foundation laid by Anakin and Padme's relationship. Anakin Skywalker's initial aspiration was to become a formidable Jedi, but his life took an unexpected turn when he fell in love with Padme Amidala. Despite the Jedi's prohibition on romantic attachments, Anakin's primary goal shifted to protecting Padme at all costs. On the other hand, Padme, a princess, initially aimed to avoid any emotional entanglements. But fate intervened and she found herself to be deeply in love with Anaki - even marrying him against the established rules.

Their journey takes a tragic turn when Anakin begins to experience visions of Padme's death and succumbs to the manipulations of Palpatine. Overwhelmed by the fear of losing her, Anakin's sanity deteriorates, leading him to perceive his mentor Obi-Wan and the Jedi council as malevolent forces. This eventually leads to Anakin’s fall to the dark side and the devastating execution of Order 66, resulting in the slaughter of young Jedi at the temple. Padme remains steadfast in her belief that Anakin can be redeemed, but tragically, her efforts prove futile. Ultimately, Anakin's duel with Obi-Wan leads to his presumed demise, with his actions inadvertently causing Padme's death during childbirth.

A Convergence of Destinies: The Odyssey of Kylo and Rey

kylo and ren

Kylo Ren, a figure both alluring and tormented, embarks on a transformation as poignant as it is tumultuous. Emanating from the lineage of legends, Kylo, once known as Ben Solo, commences his quest with an ember of resentment sparked by perceived betrayal from his uncle, Luke Skywalker. His yearning for supremacy and vengeance simmers beneath his dark facade, a tempestuous undercurrent ever pushing him towards the murky abyss. Yet, here lies the crux: Kylo, unlike his predecessor Anakin, dances upon the precipice of dual allegiances. The tempestuous pull of the shadow side is met with the persistent whisper of the light, a stirring mirror to Anakin's own tragic dalliance with darkness. Kylo's internal struggle resonates as a symphony of conflict, an eloquent portrayal of the human struggle between the allure of power and the beckoning call of redemption.

In striking contrast to Kylo's trajectory, Rey, a symbol of resilience and hope, embarks on her own voyage of self-discovery. A solitary figure with a mysterious past, her journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit that can blossom in the most horrible of circumstances. Unbeknownst to her, she carries the weight of a lineage that intersects with both the sacred and the sinister, a theme that entwines her fate with Kylo's in ways beyond their initial comprehension. Rey's connection with the Force emerges as a guiding light, an inner beacon steering her toward an inevitable confrontation with Kylo.

In their enigmatic connection, Kylo and Rey dance on the cusp of revelation and transformation. A poignant duality unfurls—Kylo's longing for dominance and control contrasts with Rey's yearning for understanding and unity. This juxtaposition is not merely a retread of past narratives, but a nuanced exploration of the human experience itself—two souls entwined in a cosmic ballet of light and shadow. As their paths converge and diverge, a palpable tension builds, underscoring the intrinsic struggle for identity and purpose, a struggle mirrored across the tapestry of generations.

The crescendo of their narrative comes to a head in the saga's climactic conclusion. Kylo, torn between the allure of power and the tugging resonance of the light, stands at the crossroads. Rey, wielding the legacy of the Jedi, stands resolute in her quest to rekindle the spark of hope. Their final duel serves as an allegorical battleground, a representation of the primal struggle within each soul. Although, this battle isn’t against each other. In the very end, Rey’s efforts to bring Kylo back to the light prove to be successful, and he chooses to aid Rey in their final battle between the all supreme leader of the dark side. Although this battle does end victoriously, Rey loses her life. Distraught, Kylo instead sacrifices himself and gives away his life force to Rey, with them sharing a small moment together before he rekindles with his fallen ancestors, proving that redemption was indeed attainable. Rey emerges as a harbinger of renewal, adopting the Skywalker mantle with an understanding that the past's echoes can be harnessed to forge a brighter future. Kylo's ultimate sacrifice ignites a redemption that reverberates beyond the material realm, underscoring the eternal truth that even the most shattered souls possess the potential for restoration.

The Parallel Journey of Kylo and Rey

kylo and ren star wars trilogy

The parallels between Anakin and Padme's story and that of Kylo Ren and Rey form a central theme in the concluding Skywalker trilogy. Kylo Ren, formerly known as Ben Solo, experiences a similar transformation. Initially seeking power and revenge after feeling betrayed by his uncle, Luke Skywalker, Kylo finds himself drawn to the darkness. However, unlike Anakin, Kylo also feels the tug of the light side, creating a parallel. While Anakin was consumed by the darkness, Kylo begins to question his path and struggles with the pull toward the light just as Anakin questioned his path of the jedi and his struggles with the pull towards the darkness.

Rey, the new hope for the Jedi. Raised in obscurity, Rey's journey is not quite a reflection of Padme, but more so a completion of Padme’s story/wishes. Rey starts with nothing but discovers her latent Force abilities and becomes a beacon of hope. She embodies the opposite trajectory of Padme, beginning from nothing to be told she was the new hope for all Jedi,while Padme yearned to be normal, however, struggled due to her being royalty. Even with direct opposite beginnings, Rey’s mission in the end was focused on saving Kylo and bringing him back to the light, just like how Padme tried to bring back Anakin, although she did not manage to save the one she loved from the dark side. She had loved him, yet, she had failed, however, Rey did not. Remarkably, Rey accomplishes what Padme yearned for but never achieved- the redemption of the one she loves.

An Intriguing Connection & Potential Reincarnation

kylo and ren star wars ending

One cannot ignore the unique and powerful connection between Kylo and Rey, established from the outset. Throughout the Star Wars series, the Force has rarely portrayed such a profound connection between two individuals, especially one that is so intense that they are able to communicate with each other regardless of where they are in the galaxy (they were literally able to SENSE each other and meet each other through the force being galaxies apart from each other). It leads one to contemplate whether they were destined to complete the stories and wishes of their past predecessors, the final chapter of the Skywalker name. With an immediate strong connection, it would be impossible to argue that they didnt have a connection to each other in some other way from the getgo (other than the force of course). Personally, I think that Kylo and Rey are the reincarnations of Anakin and Padme as they correct past wrongs and fulfill their wishes in the end, enhancing the parallel. This connection adds an additional layer of intrigue to their stories and strengthens the thematic significance of the trilogy's ending.


With the exploration of the parallels between Kylo and Rey, and Anakin and Padme, the ending of the Star Wars trilogy provided a compelling and satisfying conclusion. It became evident that Rey's love had a significant influence, leading Ben to find the light. This concept of love was depicted as something beyond simple romance. Leia's love for her son was just as important to his transition, and Ben's intense love for Rey served as a rescuing force when she was in danger. Despite the terrible results of Ben's heroic act of sacrifice, I truly believe it was necessary. Anakin would have sacrificed himself for Padme a million times over without a single thought, and Ben had done just that after returning back to the light. Despite this, the central theme of the narrative held true: even if it did not always result in bliss, love ultimately proved to be the universe's savior. The eternal power of love was portrayed in a spectacular way (as cliche as it may be).

While the trilogy may not have surpassed the greatness of the original films, the concept and execution of these parallel narratives added depth and resonance to the overall story. The journey of these characters showcased themes of love, redemption, and the power of decision, making the ending a worthy addition to the Star Wars saga.


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