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The Issue That Does Not Exist: Oversensitivity Overkill

Written By: Melody Hou


political correctness cartoon

Political correctness seems to be an ever-expanding concept that grows to be more and more difficult to grasp by the day. One may even hesitate to say that the urge to create a tolerating society has somewhat suffocated divergent opinions in fear of being ‘canceled’ by those who deem themselves as ‘woke’. From gender to race to politics, it appears as though the freedom of speech has been limited by what social media portrays to be wrong or right. The few who choose to stand their ground- albeit being characterized as the ‘wrong’- continue to fight for their position while others show no intention of surrendering to opposition. As seen in multiple instances in the past, arguments like such leave us with nothing but two conflicting ideas which are never resolved. Any alternative views are flooded out in the midst of all the drama; painting all controversies in clear shades of black and white. Those who lack the time or energy to participate in such debates seem to only be left with two choices, to agree or disagree. Has political correctness and the so-called ‘woke’ generation crippled our ability to form individualistic thoughts and actions?

The Instigator

Though the trigger may vary drastically from one person to another, sensitivity is a quality we all possess. It may be positive- meaning that you show appreciation for the people and environment around you- but when adopted to an excessive extent, it can also become negative. When one is said to be ‘oversensitive’, it means that they process information more deeply than others; often reading too much into people’s words and ‘discovering’ rude meanings that were not meant. To understand the issue of oversensitivity, we first need to familiarize ourselves with the instigators and recognize how sensitivity became so widespread on the internet.

social media criticism cartoon

The dominant inhabitants of modern day social media consist mostly of a demographic cohort known as ‘gen Z’. This generation of online users have become arguably the most socially aware generation since the New Left of the 1970s; thereby suggesting an online trend of demonstrations showcasing an awareness of key societal issues. Many believe that the arising of the ‘woke’ mentality originated from an increase in digital media consumption. Given that gen Z was the first generation born into online technology, the discussion of social issues have become more convenient and therefore more common. Topics such as gender theory, climate change and equality have been more frequently discussed now more than ever. Moreover, high media consumption has led to a large portion of the present generations’ opinions being built up of faulty online content. Hence it may not strike as surprising to hear that an increase in open conversation has led to a rise in online arguments. Oftentimes, the issue at hand does not come across as relevant to many; arguing has simply grown to be a habit. It seems as though one cannot hold an opinion without being challenged by others. The tension has accelerated to an extent at which people superficially care for irrational concerns and issues they do not truly sympathize with simply out of fear of being canceled.

‘Woke’ mentality in action

Numerous topics have been debated by those of the woke community; some so trivial that it is not worth the time to discuss. Of the more pressing issues, two categories appear to be most prominent: gender and race.



In recent years, gender theory has emerged as a universal topic of conversation. From issues such as misgendering to the necessity of gender-affirming care, multiple subjects have been raised and argued. The ideology that one’s body can be amended to match self-perception has been so widely enforced by the woke community that parents may be called out and criticized if they do not support their child’s gender transition agenda. Some argue that there is no biological explanation to the numerous gender pronouns adopted by teens as there are only two genders at birth. The possibility of reaching a consensus appears to have been eradicated due to society’s desire to segregate all opinions to two clear sides. It seems as though all opinions have been pigeonholed to fit one polarized ideology. The problem is that an ‘in-between’ simply does not exist when it comes to present-day issues. The moment one questions gender-affirming care- albeit out of pure desire to understand and sympathize- they are called out and shamed for being a hardcore republican. Though this may be an exaggerated reflection of the status quo, it shows how unaccepting this attitude is.


Suppose one does not hold a particular standpoint on the issue of racism, and accordingly does not promote an anti-racist agenda online or in person, would this make them a racist? From a woke person’s point of view, the answer is very possibly going to be yes. This ideology particularly targets caucasians, who fall victim to white wokeism. Nevertheless, this is not to disregard the marginalization and discrimination of minorities by insinuating that racism has been completely reversed. The issue lies in the fact that polarized opinions, such as white wokeism, are being uncompromisingly enforced through the exploitation of cancel culture. There is also controversy relating to what actually is considered to be racism as the woke community seems to be freely expanding the boundaries every now and then. This undefined and broadening border also appears as one of the key instigators of oversensitivity as confusion leads to misconceptions.


Some believe this attempt to bring justice to marginalized groups has developed into a radical left-wing ideology. Others say that the term ‘woke’ is overly controversial. Questionable opinions and beliefs seem to be thrown at us left and right yet we hesitate and refrain ourselves from doubting them simply because we do not want to be at the center of slander and debate. There is no one bold or powerful enough to stand out and declare what is wrong or right, so people continue to argue and argue simply hoping to be the louder, more stubborn participant in this never ending verbal war. Will the ‘woke’ generation’s habit of arguing ever resolve?


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