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Vaccines: Journey from Pathogens to Protection

Written By: Jessica Liao

In recent years, vaccines have been integral to lives due to the reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a global scale. Individuals have anxiously anticipated the release of new vaccines, seeking for that extra protection against the deadly virus. Although it might not seem as significant at first glance, this additional defense is what saved approximately 19.8 million lives worldwide from COVID-19. But how exactly does a vaccine work and what does it contain to shield us from such diseases?


What Are Vaccines And How Do They Function?

Vaccines are substances used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. They regulate the spread of diseases by giving protection against diseases and boosting the body’s defense against pathogenic infections. Although the conventional method involves injecting vaccines into the body, there are instances where it can be administered orally or through nasal sprays.

Within the vaccine, you’ll find the antigens of a killed or weakened form of a virus or bacteria, adjuvants which help to boost our immune response, preservatives to ensure vaccine efficiency, and stabilizers which protect the vaccine during storage and transportation.

When the weakened pathogen antigens are introduced into the body, lymphocytes are triggered to produce antibodies (naturally occuring proteins in the immune system that combat diseases). Then it triggers the production of memory cells, giving the body long-term immunity to that specific pathogen.This implies that in the future if you are exposed to the same pathogen, your immune system will recognize and neutralize it..

Diseases And Immunity

vaccines diagram

To understand the science behind vaccines, it is important to know how the body’s natural immune system functions. Pathogens are disease-causing organisms, each with its own antigens which have specific shapes. Upon entering the body, it will trigger the lymphocytes (white blood cells), which are located in the blood, to release antibodies. However, specific antibodies have complementary shapes which fit specific antigens; therefore, the lymphocytes would produce antibodies specific to that antigen. This leads to direct destruction of pathogens or marking of pathogens for destruction by phagocytes (white blood cells) through phagocytosis. After an infection by a pathogen or by vaccination, active immunity is gained, meaning that you would have defense against the pathogen by antibody production in the body.

History Of Vaccines

Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner

In the past, smallpox was consistently a deadly disease that claimed numerous lives. However, in the late 1700s, an English doctor named Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids and others who were previously infected with cowpox were immune to smallpox. He noticed that cowpox caused lesions similar to smallpox; however, the disease was less severe and not considered deadly. Therefore, Jenner decided to conduct an experiment in which he transmitted the cowpox disease by injecting pus from cowpox blisters found on a milkmaid’s hand into a young boy with smallpox. As a result, the boy was successfully treated, leading to the first smallpox vaccine being discovered. The name “vaccine” comes from the vaccinia virus that is contained in cowpox and causes smallpox.

Do Vaccines Have Any Potential Side Effects?

Similar to all medications, vaccines could have potential risks and do not guarantee 100% protection. However, vaccines are generally safe, and the side effects are minor and temporary, such as a sore arm or mild fever. Naturally, severe side effects remain a possibility but are extremely rare.


Ultimately, there is no definitive answer regarding whether one should choose to take a vaccine or not, as the decision is ultimately a matter of personal choice. Certain individuals may feel that vaccines are crucial in strengthening the immune system, especially in a serious pandemic like COVID-19. Others may prefer to remain at home, driven by the belief that vaccines are unnatural and our body’s immunity surpasses their efficiency. Regardless of these differing viewpoints, the vital takeaway is to prioritize safety and protect yourself from life-threatening diseases.

COVID 19 Vaccines


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