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Why you Behave the Way You Do: Understanding Behaviorism

Written By: Dora Wang


What is behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a theory of learning, where l behaviors are acquired through conditioning (interactions with the environment). An example of behaviorism is positive reinforcement, a student gets a reward as long as they get A+ on their exams; Behaviorism can be studied in both a systematic and observable manner, however some behaviorists claim behavioral theory should only be studied by observable behavior.


Types of behaviorism

There are two main types of behaviorism displaying how behavior is formed. One of them is methodological behaviorism. This type of behaviorism states that observable behavior should be studied scientifically and that mental states and cognitive processes aren’t a contributing factor to understanding behaviors. Radical behaviorism believes behavior can be understood by analyzing an individual's past as well as their current environment, thereby influencing behavior either positively or negatively.

Classical conditioning

behaviorism, classical conditioning

Classical conditioning is a technique frequently used in behavioral training. It is when a neutral stimulus is paired with a naturally occurring stimulus. In the end, the neutral stimulus will evoke the same response as the naturally occurring stimulus, even without the naturally occurring stimulus present. For example, when a bell was sounded each time, a dog would get fed, so the dog learned to associate the sound with the presentation of food. The associated stimulus becomes known as the conditioned stimulus whilst the learned behavior is known as the conditioned response.

Uses of behaviorism

Behaviorism can be used to help students learn, such as by influencing lesson design. Some teachers use consistent encouragement to help students learn, and as for other teachers focus on creating a stimulating environment to increase engagement, also known as classical conditioning. Not only, since behaviorism is based on observable behaviors, it is often easier to quantify and collect data when conducting research. Lastly, behavioral therapy was born from behaviorism and originally used in the treatment of autism and schizophrenia. This type of therapy includes helping people change disordered thoughts and behaviors, improving their mental health.


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