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Breaking the Burnout Cycle: A Student’s Guide to Overcoming Overload

Written By: Libbie Fang



With the new school year approaching, most students are in search of avoiding academic burnout. As responsibilities pile on, juggling everything becomes increasingly more difficult. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the underlying causes of burnout to prevent it and learn how to optimally manage it so the next school year can go smoothly for all.


Burnout is a state of both physical and mental exhaustion as a result of unresolved and pent-up feelings of stress that comes from a lack of relaxation and time to take care of oneself. Without being able to recharge one’s energy, individuals may struggle with a burnout episode, leading to a series of symptoms that affects their daily lives.

Such symptoms include a lack of motivation, loss of hope, difficulty concentrating, lessened energy (even with sufficient sleep), increased irritability, and feelings of anxiousness. People going through burnout may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain, digestive issues, and dizziness. Altogether, burnout affects both the body and the mind, making it an obstacle that interferes with individuals’ daily lives.

The Root of Burnout

Burnout stems from being under unmanageable stress to the extent that one is both emotionally and physically exhausted. Though causes of burnout may vary between individuals, common reasons why people fall into burnout episodes include being in an unsupportive environment, having a lack of balance in their life, and taking on more obligations than they can handle.

Furthermore, academic and social factors can also affect a person’s likelihood of falling into a burnout episode. Educational factors such as having trouble focusing or a packed academic schedule both impact one’s vulnerability to burnout. Along with the stress of school, a lack of social support increases an individual’s risk of burnout. On the other hand, more academic stress may be evoked when one receives an overload of support as it is too overwhelming to meet perceived expectations.


student burnout

While being aware of what causes burnout plays a crucial role in preventing burnout episodes, so is taking care of oneself through maintaining a healthy balance between one’s school and personal life. By doing so, stress levels are managed, decreasing the risk of burning out. This can be done through daily habits such as maintaining a consistent sleep routine, exercising as downtime, and eating a nutritious diet. Moreover, a significant reason why burnout occurs is due to a lack of relaxation and time for oneself, meaning that taking sufficient breaks is necessary in preventing burnout. It should be noted that taking a break is productive as it helps create a work-life balance. Thus, individuals should remember to take time away from their academic life and direct focus on their personal life, utilizing weekends, holidays, and breaks. However, there are times when burnout becomes hard to foresee and prevent early in advance, so when one feels like they are on the verge of a burnout episode, asking for help – whether through a friend, teacher, or guardian – can help someone feel less alone in their struggles and figure out how to tackle them through guidance from others. All in all, balancing school on top of everything else is fundamental to avoiding burnout.


Academic burnout affects many students, influencing their daily lives. Although this is the case, burnout can be prevented by understanding the underlying causes and knowing the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Even if burnout still occurs from time to time, learning how to take care of yourself is the most important!




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