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IB = Insanity Brewing? 7 Ways to Success in Your First Year of International Bafflement

Written By: Lauren Van Doorn



Welcome to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, where academic mayhem reigns supreme and sanity is frequently in short stock! Imagine this: you are standing at the doors of the IB world, your textbook and guides acquired, a determined look on your face as well as a dash of hopeful anticipation. You have no idea that you're about to plunge headfirst into a simmering mixture of academic difficulties, perplexing theories, and a sprinkle of self-doubt.

As an adventurer of the IB curriculum myself, I shall spill the necessary tips to ease transition as well as stomp out those uncertainties that may linger (I certainly had quite a few when I first began). Here's some insider advice from a first year veteran of the IB battlefield.

1. Understanding the Curriculum and your interests!

IB subjects

Choosing your IB subjects is similar to creating the perfect burger, but instead of lettuce and tomatoes, you are selecting a combination of courses that will broaden your intellect.. Will you enroll in the enticing humanities? Will you be the daring double science student? Or the exuberant arts student? Spend some of your time to solve the different riddles of your potential subject groups; understanding the workload and look into the course material. It's important to consider how each subject will benefit you, whether it's because it suits your strengths, is a requirement for a specific college major, or because you enjoy it. You can also seek guidance from seniors and teachers/mentors (remember, your teachers hold the power and knowledge for you to graduate IB!).

What do you do when you choose a class and, lo and behold, you realize during the very first term that it's just not your cup of tea? Unfortunately, sometimes we may choose classes that we might think will suit us, but end up being completely wrong and absolutely despising it. Not to worry! You still have the choice to transfer classes and consider other possibilities.

In actuality, trying out several classes throughout your first term is like tasting your way through a buffet of knowledge. It's similar to putting your toes into the academic waters before diving in. So make the most of this chance to investigate, adjust, and discover the topics that pique your interest and motivate you to study. You get a preview into each subject's environment, a taste of the next assignments, and an idea of what the teacher will be like and if their teaching style suits you.

2. Invest in digital tools

In the turbulent world of the IB, investing in a planner or digital tools is a game-changer. All I had at the start of the year was a dependable personal computer. But let me tell you, switching to an iPad was like finding a magic formula that made studying so much easier! All of my study resources were organized and arranged in orderly digital folders with my iPad close by. No more hurriedly digging through stacks of papers, misplacing essential notes, or unintentionally creating a paper tornado in my room. The digital calendar, my new best buddy, should also not be overlooked. You receive more due dates from IB than you might think. But worry not—you can lasso those due dates with a digital calendar like a seasoned cowboy lassoing untamed horses. Digitally keeping track of assignments and due dates guarantees that you never forget to submit something important (unless your Wi-Fi chooses to take a nap, of course).

Get ready for a recommendation that will change your life: the GoodNotes app. GoodNotes allows you to annotate, highlight, and scrawl your way to academic success while keeping all of your notes in one location.. It is a premium app (but you only pay once!), but trust me, it is well worth it. Think of it as an investment in your IB success.

GoodNotes App

3. Time Management

Time management becomes your faithful partner and your secret weapon against the approaching doom of procrastination throughout the programme, where tasks bloom like dandelions after a rainfall. Imagine yourself surrounded by a mound of textbooks that are all fighting for your attention. You are markedly reminded by your alarm clock that time is passing quicker than you can say "extended essay.". Setting objectives is important, but frankly, sometimes our goals seem more like a CVS receipt-length to-do list. Decide on your priorities wisely. Prioritize your duties depending on their value and urgency, much as you would concentrate on the juiciest foods and season them with savory spices. Keep the dessert for last, dear friend!

Now let’s get down to the real problem: distractions. Whether it's the seductive draw of TikTok or the incessant buzz of notifications, they stop you from getting work done!. Something that I utilize that really helps concentration in studies is turning your phone completely off and leaving it in another room. Truly, this helps!

4. using your class time or study blocks to actually do what it’s intended for


In my own experience, I cannot emphasize enough the significance of using your study blocks to actually do your work (who would've thought?). It often seems inevitable to be sucked into mindless social media browsing or spontaneous dance battles with your buddies (we've all done it). But avoiding this, you will avoid the approaching horror of cramming sessions and late-night coffee binges.

And here's a tiny hidden ingredient: doing assignments as soon as you can after receiving them can make all the difference in the world. It's comparable to obtaining an advantage over everyone else in a marathon. By starting work right away, you prevent procrastination as well as the tension that comes with approaching deadlines. You'll also be astounded by the increased flexibility and reduced workload that result from finishing your projects on time. This has helped me GREATLY in my first year of IB.

I have a pro tip that has changed the game for me: pay attention in class and take notes afterward. You give yourself the chance to focus and take in the material being taught by paying attention throughout class. The big kicker is that if anything doesn't make sense, you may ask a question immediately afterwards. It's similar to having an immediate hotline to the teacher's mind! There's still more, though! Where the magic happens is when you take notes after class. It's like solidifying the information in your head. You can study the material, fill up any knowledge gaps, and clarify the concepts by looking through your class notes

5. Starting bigger official IB tasks early

While your students are frantically cramming and losing sleep in the final stretch of the school year, you may bask in the glory of completed assignments. It's like enjoying a tropical beverage on a warm beach while everyone else is running about like crazy trying to catch seagulls. You ask how? Start early.

Let's concentrate on the notorious 3500–4000 word essay known as the EE that hangs over your first year. Normally, the deadline (and the deadline for your TOK exhibition draft) occurs in May, but guess what? My EE was completed by November. Yes, you heard correctly. I was relaxing, drinking my metaphorical lemonade, and taking pleasure in the peace of mind that comes with being ahead of the game while others were worrying and drowning in a sea of unfinished work (this is not fully accurate. You are usually buried in schoolwork as an IB student, but at least I was less anxious than most).


By starting your EE early, you offer yourself the gift of time, which you may use for research, drafting, revising, and asking your teacher for advice, avoiding the last-minute rush that could result in poor work and unneeded stress.

Don't stop there, though! Use the early bird rule for other important tasks as well. Get a head start on any projects that may make you lose your mind, such as IOs or the TOK exhibition. Working ahead will provide you the ability to hone your concepts, investigate many perspectives, and create your finest work without feeling as if you're juggling chainsaws.

6. Learn to say no, even if you want to say YES! (I learned this the hard way D:)

Practice Being Assertive: If you're a people-pleaser, it might be difficult to say no. But being assertive is a strong trait that gives you strength and confidence. Use "I" statements to indicate your limitations or competing commitments as you articulate your boundaries in a clear and courteous manner. Remember, exercising self-control and respect by saying no doesn't make you selfish. You have the choice to refuse working on a project with someone who never contributes or to withhold your responses for the newest Biology assignment. I've had to learn this the hard way from my own experience. You recover control over your schedule and guard against burnout by developing your ability to say no. Keep in mind that this academic trip is a marathon, therefore you mustn't put yourself at a disadvantage!

7. Taking care of yourself: Because you're more than just a caffeine-fueled IB machine!

sleep & food

Last but not least my fellow IB adventurers, please take care of yourselves. Indulge in things that make you happy. Binge-watch your favorite tv programme, play video games, strum a guitar, or shout out your favorite melodies in the shower (we all sound like Adele in there, right?).

Remember that sleep is a real thing and not simply a mythological creature found in fairy tales, even though coffee may seem to be the elixir of life. Discover the benefits of a good night's sleep by embracing your pillow slumber-deprived warriors.

Try a diet that is a little more nourishing even if I am aware of how powerful the siren song of instant noodles is. Fruits, veggies, nutritious grains, and yes, occasionally a bit of chocolate, are all good ways to fuel your brain.


You're not alone if lately you have plunged into this monster of perplexing studies, nerve-wracking assessments, and restless nights. Even while it could feel like a rollercoaster ride through a maze of confusion, fear not—many before you have started on this voyage of international perplexity!

So, courageous soul, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the journey of your life. You may overcome this first year of international confusion with the correct attitude, a dash of humor, and the tactics mentioned. The IB programme may be a spinning vortex of confusion and doubt, but accept the madness, take comfort in the craziness, and laugh as you go. After all, what's the point of a little craziness if it doesn't invigorate your academic journey?



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