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Along the Cerulean

Written By: Mika Lai

Along the Cerulean


or perhaps the discordance of crashing;

the cerulean that collide against each other,

a tumult of turbulence, 

taking unpredictable turns, 

jabbing each other in the throats.


roll up their boats onto land;

wood blanketing the shore-

rushed by the sound of waves-

they hurry the islanders to seek shelter.

Small white and winged creatures glide beneath the trees,

cozying up in the crevices and hollows of the trunk

escaping the needle-like teardrops from the sky.

And when the round rock above begins to project 

its gentle glow of silver- 

rain remaining a constant-

a dark figure surfaces

Shinji thrusts his legs forward,

one foot in front of the other,

needles that permeate

into the grains within the fabric of his chemise. 

They dig into the surface of his skin:

trickling down to his ankles,

seeping into the confines of his socks.

From the observation tower, 

windows that frame 

the landscape of the horizon

beige meeting navy.

Where Shinji patiently anticipates 

for Hatsue’s arrival.



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